Wednesday, April 8th brought more and more worries for Joshy's family. He had been placed in Critical Care NICU. He seemed to need more and more oxygen. His lab work brought scowls to the Dr.'s face. He was not responding well at all, and he hurt to be touched. They were still getting fluid from his lungs...
By evening his carbon dioxide levels were worse, and his resperations were going up. His little body was very stressed... The team in charge of Joshua (including the Neonatologist, the Neo. nurse practitioner, the pharmacist, the resident on his case, the head nurse, and his respiratory therapist) all ordered new cultures for blood and the junk in his lungs, and, sadly, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). The team believed they might know what was going on if the test all came back positive.

I got to spend the day with Joshua's big brother and sister though... They are very sad that their brother is sick, and tell me often that he NEEDS to get better! I wish that they could see him, but that would be a VERY BAD idea with all of his tubes and wires...they would be scared to death! But I took them today to "Build a Bear" in the mall, and they each made a new teddy bear for themselves, and then picked one out together for their baby brother. it was really cute and the girl that helped us there let each of us pick out our own stuffed heart and put all of them in Joshua's teddy bear. She told the kids that he would have all of their love nearby if we gave him the bear at the hospital. We did sits up above one of the monitors...and we hope it does just that.
By evening his carbon dioxide levels were worse, and his resperations were going up. His little body was very stressed... The team in charge of Joshua (including the Neonatologist, the Neo. nurse practitioner, the pharmacist, the resident on his case, the head nurse, and his respiratory therapist) all ordered new cultures for blood and the junk in his lungs, and, sadly, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). The team believed they might know what was going on if the test all came back positive.
I got to spend the day with Joshua's big brother and sister though... They are very sad that their brother is sick, and tell me often that he NEEDS to get better! I wish that they could see him, but that would be a VERY BAD idea with all of his tubes and wires...they would be scared to death! But I took them today to "Build a Bear" in the mall, and they each made a new teddy bear for themselves, and then picked one out together for their baby brother. it was really cute and the girl that helped us there let each of us pick out our own stuffed heart and put all of them in Joshua's teddy bear. She told the kids that he would have all of their love nearby if we gave him the bear at the hospital. We did sits up above one of the monitors...and we hope it does just that.
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