Joshua learned to crawl. He also learned that by crawling, he can get into lots of stuff!

On December 16, we welcomed our first niece! This is Rees Justi Lundeberg (born to Kent and Justi)! She was 7 pounds even, and 19 1/2 inches long. She is beautiful! She was a bit of a stinker for her mom in trying to get here (she turned breech!), but a successful C-section got her here just fine. We are grateful for such a beautiful new addiditon to our family! Congrats, guys! : )
We went on an outing with Aunt Jenny and Riser and Kayson to Gardner Village to find all the elves (left). I think the moms had a tiny bit more fun than the kiddos (it was cold, there was no climbing on the elves or store furnature allowed...) but it was still a successful outing I think! (The cookies and milk at the bakery at the end ensured that!)
I think we wore everyone out! (right)

Christmas Eve day is always marked with a yummy breakfast at Custom Floors with friends and family. Kennedy, Matthew, Riser and Kayson found that climbing up the carpet roles was the highlight of the morning!
That night, we spent with Grandma and Grandpa at their house (after a yummy dinner at Tio's!)
These are new jammies and toys!

We also found out we are expecting another nephew in May and will be getting a new sister-in-law, Gabby (she's engaged to Kevin and absolutely adorable!--perfect for him), in June! Welcome to the family! We are very excited for both upcoming events!
Christmas Day was tons of fun, too! We opened presents at our house (Santa brought an art easel for Kennedy, a wooden train track and Thomas and Percy for Matthew and a little train and ball toy for Joshua) then headed off to Mimi and Papas house for waffles with vanilla ice cream and raspberries for breakfast! Yummy! We had a nice, relaxing day enjoying all our great presents and wonderful family! It was wonderful! Unfortunately, I neglected to take even a single picture the entire day (oops!), so if you have one, will you please pass it on to this often forgetful mother? : )

Playing in the December snow! Kennedy and Matthew (and Maggie) loved it! This is their "Frosty" snowman; they danced around him and sang the song and everything! : ) It can be noted also that that this is actually the second snowman built that day. The first was a more child-sized version, but Matthew decided the head was more suitable as a snowball to throw at Mom. The rest was just fun to push over and make snow angels in!

In January, we got to see my cousin, Heather--who came up from Arizona--and meet her cute family: her husband, Josh, and beautiful 3 month old daughter, Claire! It was so fun to see them! It's been too long!
My husband wishes I would forget to take pictures. You sometimes find me with digital camera in one had video camera in the other. Great... except when you have to scrapbook them all....then you start to think again about taking so many pictures.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you guys had a fun holiday season. I loved the pics. Thanks for posting those so we could see what you guys have been up to. Sorry we were missing for a lot of these holiday events, I'm sure we missed out on a lot of fun.