Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hip update!

Wow!  It's been awhile...  : )

I just wanted to do a quick update on the ol' hip(s).  I am now {almost} 6 weeks post-op and feeling really good!  The surgery went much better than planned!  They were able to explore my hip and determined that the FAI (impingement--read the last post if you need a refresher!) doesn't actually exist.  The bone is shaped wrong (flat femoral neck) as we saw in the x-rays, but it doesn't hit anything, so it didn't need to be shaved and re-shaped!  Also, the cartilage disc was soft and showed signs of premature wear, but was not torn, so they didn't have to fix that either!  All they ended up doing was lengthening a tendon (the Psoas, or hip flexor, for those who care) that runs across the front of the hip.  Really, quite minor!  I am completely off the crutches (unless I'm gonna be up a lot and with a lot of people, like, say, at the fair this weekend!).  {And can I just say, "YAY!"}  I am doing physical therapy every day at home and once a week with a physical therapist, who is kicking my butt.  I meet with my surgeon again next week, where I'm really hoping he'll let me schedule my next surgery! : )

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