Saturday, September 18, 2010

Seven Wonderful Years!...

Exactly seven years ago today, I married my best friend and the man of my dreams!  And in those seven years, I've learned that reality is definitely better!  It is truly an honor to be his wife (albeit a little hard to believe sometimes still!)  How grateful I am for the life we've had together!  For the ups and downs alike!  For the three incredibly beautiful children who enrich our lives so much and make me love him more each day!  For the listening ear and supportive shoulder, strong hands and incredible heart!  For the testimony and example he lives each day!  For the years we have to look forward to and live together and all of eternity beyond that!  Though the day may pass without much pomp or celebration, I am so thankful to have the day at all and to tell my Sweetheart that I love him more than anything.  I don't really need anything as long as he is by my side!  I love you, Darlin'!  oxoxox

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest...most well worded post! Happy Anniversary!
