Friday, April 13, 2012

A few holes in our story...

We have kept the toothfairy super busy this week!  Both Matthew--it's his first!--and Kennedy--her 4th!--lost teeth on Friday, April 6!  We noticed that Matthew's bottom front tooth had already started coming in and was pushing the baby tooth up and out, so we were glad to finally lose that tooth!  He was really scared that pulling it was gonna hurt really bad, but was a trooper and let me pull it anyway!  He was surprised at how little it actually hurt! : )  And I didn't even know that Kennedy's tooth was that loose!  I just came home from the store and she showed me that she had gotten it out!  Wahoo!  Then, yesterday, I happened to look at Matthew (at just the right angle, I guess!) and saw that his other bottom front tooth was leaning forward.  When I looked at it closer, I saw that his other tooth had already cut through, too!  Apparently, this kids teeth don't have any patience and don't know how this is all supposed to go! : )  So, we pulled that one, too.  He is now toothless (kind of!) down front!  He looks so cute!  Kennedy's top tooth has been loose for awhile now, but has been moving over toward her other front tooth (I'm assuming because of her new tooth?  I don't know.  The new tooth is NOT in yet, though!).  Yesterday, we pulled that one out!  That's right!  That's 4 teeth in 6 days!  And both kids have adorably cute holes in the cute little mouths!  But the toothfairy is exhaused and hopes she gets a little bit of a break! : )

I did take pictures, but I can't get them to load, so I'll have to mess with it and get them on here later!

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