Friday, April 13, 2012

Our baby's 3!

Remember how the pictures won't load?  This is an old one,  
but he's still cute and at least it's something! : )
Well, it's no surprise that I'm a little late getting this up, but I had to post about our Mr. Joshua turning 3!  We cannot believe so much time has gone by!  I say that every year, don't I?  This boy is such a joy in our lives!  He is so adorable and funny!  He is always making us laugh!  It has saved him many, many times! : )  He is such a smart kid--he just figures stuff out!  He can get out of anything and anywhere if he wants to and also has quite a knack, we've learned, for taking apart tables and chairs
(and anything with screws, really!).  He always keeps us on our toes!  We've especially enjoyed lately when he asks where someone is then, when we answer, says, "I love them!"  Seriously, how cute is that?  He is definately a momma's boy, but sure loves to wrestle with dad and hates to see him leave for work every morning!  He is a wonderful brother and really enjoying being big enough to play with his big brother and sister.  We sure enjoy having this fiesty little spirit in our family!  Happy birthday, Sweetheart! : )

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