Monday, April 13, 2009

Should we re-name him Rocky?

Monday morning - April 13th

Joshua's mommy was chomping at the bit to get to the hospital this morning so she could hold the boy. She found him awake and alert and she took every moment of the morning that she could to cuddle him. He stared at her for a long time like he was trying to take in what he had missed for 6 days! The nurses said he is the sweetest baby, and at night when he wakes up, he just looks around quietly until someone comes to talk to him. He hasn't really cried yet. Perhaps he doesn't have the strength for that yet, though...but he definitely can fight off 4 major diseases/illnesses at once!

So, this got me thinking....should we re-name him Rocky Balboa? or maybe...Muhammad Ali?? or maybe some other great fighter? My dad always loved Gene Fullmer!! I am kidding, of course! But wow, this boy is up there with them! He will not go down!!! and we are forever GRATEFUL!

As Rachael was visiting this morning, the "Team" was on rounds, like every morning. As all the residents, resp. therapists, nurses, etc. were giving the Neonatologist their reports on Joshua, the Dr. just smiled (I believe he was very proud of his work!). He then turned to Rachael and said..."We are gonna have a 100% recovery here, mom". As Rachael reacted excitedly to that...he went on to say..."but he is STILL a very sick little boy! And we are still on track with the 14 day program!!" Of course, she said okay....but that was the first time HE had actually SAID that Joshy was going to be fine. What a wonderful day!!

As the day progressed, the nurses were able to turn down his HFNC a few times. He seems to be on the fast track now and is off a couple more monitors, off the lights for jaundice (Yay), and tolerating more milk at feedings! The kid is amazing! By afternoon, they moved him OUT of the Critical Care NICU and into the Respitory Care NICU! He is in a smaller room with lower lighting and less monitors! It is fantastic!

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