Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yay for warm weather!

We have so enjoyed having warm weather around here again!  We've been walking to school again, gone to the zoo, gotten some yard work done, been out to ride bikes and scooters and write on the sidewalk with chalk and just loved spending time in the sunshine!  We also got a new camera (the old one decided to stop working) so we will have pictures again! 

Kris and I also had the opportunity to attend a benefit gala to celebrate the 25th anniversary of heart transplants in Utah!  He was able to go because of his work as an intern on the heart transplant team at the VA Hospital.  It was such an amazing experience for us!  We feel so blessed at the health of our family and those that we love.  It was neat to be able to meet some of the surgeons and transplant recipients (we even got to see the first person to recieve a heart in Utah!)  Did you know that Utah has one of the premier heart transplant programs in the country?  They are doing amazing work and in the 25 years have successfully transplanted nearly 1000 hearts!  Of course, it was lots of fun to be able to dress up and attend a "fancy" event!

Kennedy got a "prayer rock" in primary last week.  Every night, she tucks herself in bed (we've been informed that she no longer needs us) and gets all settled, tucks the rock under her pillow, then lays down on it.  She then sits up and exclaims, "Oh!  I forgot to say my prayers!"  (not kidding; it's the exact same every night!)  She will get out of bed, kneel down and say prayers, then climb back in bed and go to sleep!  How cute is that!  Thank you to primary teachers!  Apparently, even though we've taught her that her whole life, it takes a primary teacher to really make it stick! : )

Matthew, as we all know, loves to sing and does so all the time! (every meal, to brush teeth, playing, walking to school...)  The other night, he was jumping on our bed (so against the rules!) singing "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" completely ignoring us as we told him to stop.  He would actually stop for a brief time, then start again.  He sang, "One fell off..." then fell off the bed himself, hitting his head on the nightstand!  I know this probably makes me a terrible mother, but I started laughing so hard!  He came up with a big red mark on his face, whimpering and saying, "It's not funny, guys!"  But it was!  : )  No worries, he's okay! 

Joshua has officially been weened (and I've got to say, I'm so glad!) and is doing well with it; even sleeping through the night!  (Thank you, Jenny!)  He is getting closer and closer to walking but doesn't seem too gung ho about it yet, so he just does it when he wants.  Got lots of time, though!  He is hillarious when he eats, grunting and "mmmm"ing throughout the entire meal.  He has also learned how to growl.  His favorite time to do this is during sacrament meeting, either at his dad on the stand or at the people across the isle!  He turns your face when he wants you to look and him and says his own unique version of, "Hi."  Much to Matthew's dismay, he is also an excellent Godzilla!  (it's pretty funny!)

All in all, life is good!  Here's to many more happy (and sunny!) days!

1 comment:

  1. You're not a bad mom! It sounds like Matthew got what he deserved. Hee hee hee! :) I would have laughed too.
